Sunday, October 24, 2010

A completely random and NAG (Not About Guinea pigs) post.

I saw this weird-looking insect jumping around spiritedly when Billye and I were out and about in Brooklyn yesterday afternoon. He said it was a grasshopper. I instantly named him Louie (he looked like a Louie). Louie kept jumping and hitting himself against the wall of an apartment building. :( After a bit, I pulled a ziplock bag and napkin out of my purse and handed it to Billye so he could guide the little guy to plastic safety and away from concrete danger. We rode home on the bus with Billye clutching the bag and keeping a close eye on Louie. When we arrived back in our neighborhood, Billye released Louie into his new home, a garden that belongs to the Catholic church near our building. Billye had wanted to keep Louie in a jar for at least one day but we decided it was best that he get released ASAP. We hope Louie is safe and sound and thriving in that church garden!

Odie. <3 My brother's/family dog. He is four and a half years old now. He loves to eat and beg for food. Here he is hoping Billye will give him a piece of chicken from his Domino's pizza slice. I hereby declare Odie to be an honorary guinea pig (albeit with a big bushy tail!).

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