Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dumbo visits DUMBO (Brooklyn) again.

Greetings! Or, shall I say, SEASON'S greetings!

Wow, long time no speak... or update/blog/write/post/inform!

My free WIFI here at home went MIA sometime in early July, hence the complete lack of updates. :X Still, that's no excuse, I know. *hangs head in shame* But I don't own a laptap or iPad or anything fancy, portable and type-friendly like that, so Starbucks' or anybody else's WIFI was not a viable option, ever. Hmm, OK, well, what really matters is that we now have free WIFI once again in our home and that's why you see this post today. :) YAY!

I got home not too long ago as I had to bring Dumbo, the all-black pig, to the vet out in DUMBO, Brooklyn. He was overdue by a hair for his annual checkup and we'd also discovered a bump on his left thigh area around mid-July. Since then we'd made sure to monitor it every couple weeks or so, and it's never really gotten any bigger or smaller and has virtually made no real impact on his everyday health. During these last several months, he's always had as voracious an appetite as ever! (READ: He is really fat! The vet took notice, too, remarking on how he's packed on the pounds, ha, since last year.)

Dumbo's vet, Dr. Neuman, over at Vinegar Hill, took his vitals and said he was fine. She then took a sample of the fluids in his bump (the medical term is 'cytology') and said I'd hear back from her either Tuesday at the earliest, or Wednesday, at the latest, while the sample gets sent to the pathologist. So now we just play the waiting game...

The vet said she is leaning towards the bump being a cyst, in which case we would just ignore it completely. However, if that bump on Dumbo's thigh has to do with the ever-dreaded C-word (sob), then she would operate on it.

Please, please, please keep your fingers/toes/eyes/hair crossed that it is not that horrible C-word and that it's actually a cyst (gosh, it would probably be the first time that anybody would be so utterly relieved and thrilled to have a cyst present)!!!

Anyhow, I shall bid adieu here. If I go another 7-8 months without posting, then I shall wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and fulfilling 2012 now! Farewell, 2011! :3

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